2016-03-25 22:30:02.0|分类: 云计算|浏览量: 1744
使用云端来存储企业的数据将大大提高可用空间,但前提是数据迁移要做好。如果公司打算将数据迁移到云端,你就要开始从长远考虑如何用正确的方式操作了。 现在,用云服务提供商来存储大量数据是云服务的主要引用。近年来,企业的数据在疯狂地增长,给ITunes行业的增长带来了70%的贡献。使用云服务将会大大降低企业的开支。 但是很多企业低估了迁移数据需要的工作,也低估了之前需要做的准备工作。常常会失败很多次。如果你不想重蹈覆辙,可以参考下面几个要点。 首先,要尽早意识到数据量的大小。如果数据是TB或PB级别,你不可能轻易地将他们转移到云端。你需要在云端做好数据传输的初始化工作,这需要和云服务提供商配合。这不是件简单的事情,所以尽早做计划。 第二,不要非得用和原来一样的数据库。比如,如果之前用的是Oracle数据库,不需要非得也在云端搭建Oracle数据库。事实上,这恰好是一个换新数据库的好时机,比如SQL或者NoSQL之类的。同时,也要考虑到应用连接到数据库、数据库的管理和操作等问题。数据迁移意味着其带来的诸多改变。 最后,安全和稳定对所有系统来说都是至关重要的。你需要保证使用云端资源之后保持系统的安全和稳定,对大多数迁移来说,这都是最重要的部分。但是这并不是说,要完全复制原来的那套权限系统,应该利用好合并,对其加强。 总结:尽早判断好数据量,找到最适合你的数据库,把握好机会,尽早做详细的计划。 If your enterprise is ready to move data to the cloud, you need to think long and hard about how to migrate the right way. The use of public cloud providers as hosts for big data or transactional data is the real killer use of public clouds. Consider how much enterprises spend on data management these days, which can be as high as 70 percent of IT spending. The use of public clouds can drastically reduce those expenditures. But enterprises often underestimate the amount of work needed to do the data migration, as well as the amount of planning needed before doing the work. Many fail a few times before they succeed. You don’t want to be in that situation. Here are three tips for avoiding that trap and doing it right: First, consider the data volume early in the process. You cannot simply upload terabytes and petabytes to public clouds. You need to consider shipping physical drives to the cloud provider for the initial data loads. This is a huge headache and takes close coordination between you and the cloud provider, so start early and put a plan in place. Second, don’t always look for the same database in the cloud as you have on-premises. For example, if your data center uses an Oracle database, that does not mean you are required to use an Oracle database in the cloud. In fact, the cloud migration is a good time to consider new databases and new data models, such as SQL and NoSQL. You also need to plan for changes to the applications connected to the database as well as for changes to database operational and admin skills. Migrating to the cloud is a great time to make these changes. Third, security and governance are systemic to everything: your data, applications, network, and storage. You need to put cloud-resource governance in place as well as service and data governance. For most migrations, security and governance are the most important part of the process. But you should not merely replicate your current on-premises security and governance in the cloud; instead, use the migration as a motivation to improve both. In a nutshell: Define your data early in the process, find the databases that best meet your operational needs, and establish a solid plan to take advantage of big data opportunities in the public cloud. |