2014-02-27 14:36:57.0|分类: activiti|浏览量: 1654
1、public interface TaskService : /** * A shortcut to {@link #claim} with null user in order to unclaim the task * @param taskId task to unclaim, cannot be null. * @throws ActivitiObjectNotFoundException when the task doesn't exist. */ void unclaim(String taskId); 怎么取消这个声明呢?activiti增加新的特性方法unclaim(); 2、自己写sql来查询自己的任务和待办的任务 // 已经签收的或者直接分配到当前人的任务 StringBuffer asigneeSql = new StringBuffer(" select distinct RES.* from ACT_RU_TASK RES "); asigneeSql.append(" inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF D on RES.PROC_DEF_ID_ = D.ID_ "); asigneeSql.append(" WHERE RES.ASSIGNEE_ = #{userId}"); asigneeSql.append(" and D.KEY_ = #{processDefinitionKey} "); asigneeSql.append(" and RES.SUSPENSION_STATE_ = #{suspensionState}"); // 当前人在候选人或者候选组范围之内 StringBuffer needClaimSql = new StringBuffer("select distinct RES1.* from ACT_RU_TASK RES1 "); needClaimSql.append(" inner join ACT_RU_IDENTITYLINK I on I.TASK_ID_ = RES1.ID_ "); needClaimSql.append(" inner join ACT_RE_PROCDEF D1 on RES1.PROC_DEF_ID_ = D1.ID_ "); needClaimSql.append(" WHERE D1.KEY_ = #{processDefinitionKey} "); needClaimSql.append(" and RES1.ASSIGNEE_ is null "); needClaimSql.append(" and I.TYPE_ = 'candidate' "); needClaimSql.append(" and ( I.USER_ID_ = #{userId} or "); needClaimSql.append(" I.GROUP_ID_ IN (select g.GROUP_ID_ from ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP g where g.USER_ID_ = #{userId} ) ) "); needClaimSql.append(" and RES1.SUSPENSION_STATE_ = #{suspensionState} "); |